best pubg guns
best pubg guns

best pubg guns

In the fast-paced and adrenaline-fueled world of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), having the best guns at your disposal can mean the difference between victory and defeat. With a vast arsenal of weapons to choose from, finding the right ones for your playstyle and the battle at hand can be daunting. To help you navigate the PUBG gun landscape and ensure you’re always armed with the most effective firepower, we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide to the best PUBG guns, covering assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, and more.

Types of Best PUBG Guns

Assault Rifles

Assault rifles are the workhorses of PUBG, offering a balance of damage, accuracy, and range. The M416, with its controllable recoil and impressive damage output, is a top contender for the best all-around assault rifle. For close-quarters combat, the M762 packs a punch with its high rate of fire, while the AKM offers raw power and extended range.

Sniper Rifles

Sniper rifles are essential for eliminating enemies from a distance. The AWM is the king of sniping, boasting exceptional damage and accuracy, making it ideal for long-range engagements. For a more versatile option, the SLR and Mini 14 offer decent damage and a higher rate of fire, allowing you to take down targets at medium to long distances.


Shotguns are devastating at close range, obliterating enemies in a single blast. The S12K is a compact and deadly shotgun, perfect for clearing buildings and tight spaces. For a more powerful option, the DBS and the S686 can take down multiple targets with a single well-placed shot.

Other Useful Guns

In addition to the aforementioned categories, there are several other guns worth considering:

  • SMGs: These compact and high-fire-rate weapons excel in close-quarters combat. The UMP45 and the Vector are excellent choices for clearing buildings and securing close-range engagements.
  • LMGs: Light machine guns provide sustained firepower, making them ideal for holding down positions or suppressing enemy fire. The M249 and the DP-28 offer a high rate of fire and large magazine capacity.
  • Pistols: Pistols are useful as backup weapons or for finishing off downed enemies. The P1911 and the Glock 18 offer a balance of damage and accuracy.

Gun Attributes to Consider

When choosing the best PUBG guns, consider the following attributes:


Damage is the most important attribute, determining how much damage a gun inflicts per shot. Higher damage is crucial for quickly eliminating enemies, especially when engaging in head-on combat.


Accuracy refers to how well a gun maintains its point of aim while firing. Low recoil and high stability contribute to increased accuracy, allowing you to hit targets consistently, even at long distances.


Range determines the effective distance at which a gun can engage targets. Sniper rifles have the longest range, followed by assault rifles and shotguns. Consider the range when choosing a gun for a particular situation or map.

Rate of Fire

Rate of fire refers to how quickly a gun can shoot bullets. Higher rate of fire is beneficial in close-range encounters or when suppressing enemy positions.

Magazine Capacity

Magazine capacity determines the number of rounds a gun can hold before reloading. A larger magazine capacity allows you to engage multiple enemies without reloading, providing a tactical advantage.

Best PUBG Guns in Each Category

Category Rifle Damage Accuracy Range Rate of Fire Magazine Capacity
Assault Rifle M416 41 66 61 8 30
Sniper Rifle AWM 105 100 100 1 5
Shotgun S12K 25 70 20 11 5

Tips for Using PUBG Guns Effectively

  1. Choose the Right Gun for the Situation: Consider the map, engagement range, and enemy positions when selecting a gun.
  2. Master Weapon Control: Practice controlling recoil and aiming to improve your accuracy.
  3. Utilize Cover: Use objects in the environment as cover to protect yourself from enemy fire.
  4. Flank the Enemy: Surprise enemies by approaching from unexpected angles.
  5. Communicate with Teammates: Coordinate with your team to optimize weapon selection and tactics.


Finding the best PUBG guns is crucial for dominating the battleground. By understanding the different types of guns, their attributes, and how to use them effectively, you can gain a significant advantage over your opponents. Whether you prefer the precision of a sniper rifle, the versatility of an assault rifle, or the raw power of a shotgun, the PUBG arsenal offers a wide range of options to suit every playstyle. By mastering these weapons, you’ll become a force to be reckoned with in the PUBG universe. Remember to experiment with different guns, find what works best for you, and always strive to improve your weapon handling skills. With the right guns in your hands and a strategic approach to combat, you’ll be well on your way to securing those coveted chicken dinners.

FAQ about Best PUBG Guns

What is the best AR in PUBG?

  • M416: Versatile AR with high stability and accuracy.

What is the best DMR in PUBG?

  • SLR: High damage and range, making it ideal for mid-range engagements.

What is the best sniper rifle in PUBG?

  • AWM: Extremely powerful sniper rifle with the highest bullet velocity.

What is the best shotgun in PUBG?

  • S12K: Semi-automatic shotgun with high damage output at close range.

What is the best SMG in PUBG?

  • UMP45: Balanced SMG with low recoil and high accuracy.

What is the best pistol in PUBG?

  • P18C: Automatic pistol with high damage and fire rate.

What is the best LMG in PUBG?

  • M249: High capacity and high damage output, but with significant recoil.

What is the best gun for close-range combat in PUBG?

  • Vector: High fire rate and low recoil, making it ideal for close-quarters.

What is the best gun for long-range combat in PUBG?

  • Kar98k: Bolt-action sniper rifle with high damage and long range.

What is the best gun for beginners in PUBG?

  • M416: Versatile AR with easy recoil and high stability.